Useful Technology Tips

How to Generate More Sales Through Mobile Technology?


Mobile Technology : How  Increase Sale of your Product

In 2016, it was reported that 58.7% of the world’s total population – equal to 4.3 billion people – was the estimated number of mobile phone users across the globe. Mobile phones are now deeply integrated in the daily lives of more than half of the world’s population, regardless of age. This the rise of this statistic is slowing down with each year, but it is still expected to rise to 4.78 billion by 2020.

Mobile phone users do not think much about this statistic mainly because it has been expected due to the rapid evolution of technology. There’s very little rumination involved when it comes to how the general populace has been so dependent on their mobiles, especially when it concerns the generations that were basically born in the age of technology. It isn’t until the fact has been pointed out to them that they get an inkling of just how large the impact of mobile technology has on their daily lives, and yet it becomes a passing thought just as quickly.

But business owners are aware that this sheer number of users has a huge impact not only on the society’s communication and connectivity in general but on their sales, marketing, market reach, and customer service as well. Nowadays, marketers and business owners are aware that trimedia just doesn’t do as well as the digital stream, and that people are more inclined to be reached through their mobile phones than a desktop or laptop. And you should, too.

In this infographic by Healthy Business Builder, learn about how mobile technology can impact your sales and if it can really change a business for the better.


About the Author: Garret Norris is the founder and CEO of Healthy Business Builder and through his company, remains dedicated as ever to use his training and real life business experience to meet his passion to see business succeed through disciplined management, creative marketing and committed client service.

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