Blogging vs Guest Blogging
Blogging is the best way to grow your brand, personal or business. But that doesn’t always have to mean that you need to blog on your own website. Some of the best ways to reach a new audience are to blog as a guest on other platforms in your industry!
Some people are very confused when it comes to guest blogging and we completely agree that it can be confusing if you have no idea where to start. But the benefits are worth the learning curve!
In this article, we’ll be walking you through the benefits of blogging on another platform as a guest. The process and the benefits you can expect that almost always come from it. It does take a bit of practice and experience, but guest blogging is a key way to grow your brand in a way that will push you towards your goals much quicker.
Top 6 benefits of publishing a Guest Blog for SEO
Organic Traffic
This is our first benefit to discuss because of how massive this impacts your company and brand. By reaching out to people for quality traffic and organic traffic, you’re actually getting clicks and interaction on your blog. Sometimes people can even get over 1000 views on a blog post because they worked as a guest writer on other blogs.
SEO Authority
The more you spread your brand’s domain name on other sites, the more credibility it gives you and the more domain and SEO authority you’ll have. When someone searching your brand sees that you’ve been involved in some of the most trusted blogs as well, it will give you more attention and respect from new readers. This is a necessary step to take if you want to really take your brand to the next level.
Building Online Influence
By being able to have an influence in your industry, you’ll be able to positively make a change that you want to see, you’ll be able to make an impact that will be remembered. Isn’t this one of the main goals that anyone has when they put their work out there? Usually, it is and it’s something that isn’t that far out of your reach when you get out of your comfort zone and start working with other brands to get your work out there.
Develops Your Brand
Your brand is what you’re selling. It’s your pitch to your reader base and any potential readers you may scoop up from writing a guest blog. Your authority is the backbone to your brand and your words. Not only will you meet new connections through guest blogging, specifical individuals in your field, but you will also start receiving the respect you need to further your own career.
Build Your Credibility
By writing blogs for other brands and platforms you’ll be showing that you can be credible. That you will stand behind your work in a proud manner and that in turn reflects in a good way when it comes to your brand. This shows the reader and individuals you’re working with, that you can be trusted and that no one should doubt your skill. The more your name or the name of your brand appears on other sites, the more people will find out about what you do and will eventually find your own blog to read regularly. This kind of credibility is very important, especially if you want to make it big in your industry. No matter if you’re a personal blog or a brand, this will benefit you in many ways.
Challenging Yourself
By pushing yourself to follow someone else’s guidelines and rules, you’re allowing yourself to grow as a writer. You’ll be pushing yourself to improve your writing and you’ll most likely have fun doing so! Take each step of the process of guest writing and really make it your own. Go out there and create something that challenges you to be a better person and writer.
Overall, guest writing is a whole new world of writing, especially if you’re used to writing what you want only for your own brand and blog. Guest writing might be new and overwhelming in many ways, but with enough practice, you’ll have nothing to worry about and it will be an experience that encourages you to continue to grow and reach out to the people around you.
Don’t be afraid of making yourself uncomfortable, because this process has so much to offer anyone that’s looking to better their career, their goals, and even themselves.
Author Bio: My name is Irina, I am a certified advertising specialist, a journalist and an experienced blogger. My blog is my love, my hobby, and my life. Follow my blog here.